How does Plexus Technology process a Quote for a new part?

We encourage our custom Online Quote Form to help you identify and communicate your requirements quickly and precisely.

A qualified estimation is based on a similar design from our vast database of custom products. We can usually turn pricing around within a day, although this generally does not include lead-time for delivery or any “minimum-buys” for the material.

What is Plexus Technology Prototyping process?

Once a quote is accepted, we’ll flow the project through all key departments before production to ensure success. We’ll begin by reviewing the design, preparing formal manufacturing instructions, ordering materials and scheduling production.

How many type of products offer by Plexus Technology

We offers a large set of industrial products from wire to transformer. For more details you can visit our product category section. Still you have any query, fill the contact us form and we’ll happy to answer you.

How can i register as a seller on Plexus Technology?

To become a seller, just click on user icon and select register as a seller radio button. Fill the required details carefully and submit. After that setup the store by filling the details and click on submit. Once our internal team will complete the evaluation of your profile, you’ll become a seller with Plexus Technology.

How to I can make a transaction as a seller?

As a seller you can do the transaction by bank transfer or by paypal. We are using most trustful software to make sure full on end to end security.

Is there the GST Number required to become a seller?

Yes, as a seller it is very important to show the goods and service tax number to make sure all process will go out smoothly. You must have a valid GST number on time of registration. Once you will submit then as per your request our internal team can only change your GST number in our database.

How I can exchange or return a product?

To return a product, you have to contact our support executive to discuss about the issue with currently delivered product. For more detail about return or exchange of product, please go through return and refund section.